Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch with easily extendable Kotlin DSLs for queries, mappings, bulk, and more.
KT Search Manual | Previous: Indices, Settings, Mappings, and Aliases | Next: Text Queries |
Github | © Jilles van Gurp |
Searching is of course the main reason for using Opensearch or Elasticsearch. Kt-search supports this with a rich Kotlin DSL.
The advantage of using a Kotlin DSL for writing your queries is that you can rely on Kotlin’s type safety and also use things like refactoring, property references to fields in your model classes, functional programming, etc.
Let’s quickly create some documents to search through.
data class TestDoc(val name: String, val tags: List<String> = listOf())
// re-create the index
deleteIndex(target = indexName, ignoreUnavailable = true)
createIndex(indexName) {
mappings {
keyword(TestDoc::tags) {
fields {
val docs = listOf(
id = "1",
name = "Apple",
tags = listOf("fruit"),
price = 0.50
id = "2",
name = "Banana",
tags = listOf("fruit"),
price = 0.80
id = "3",
name = "Green Beans",
tags = listOf("legumes"),
price = 1.20
docs.forEach { d ->
target = indexName,
document = d,
id =,
refresh = Refresh.WaitFor
This creates a simple index with a custom mapping and adds some documents using our API.
You can learn more about creating indices with customized mappings here: Indices, Settings, Mappings, and Aliases
The simplest is to search for everything:
This returns: [1, 2, 3]
The ids
extension property, extracts a list of ids from the hits in the response.
Of course normally, you’d specify some kind of query. One valid way is to simply pass that as a string. Kotlin of course has multiline strings that can be templated as well. So, this may be all you need.
With some hand crafted queries, this style of querying may be useful. Another advantage is that you can paste queries straight from the Kibana development console.
Of course it is nicer to query using a Kotlin Search DSL (Domain Specific Language).
Here is the same query using the SearchDSL
. {
query = term(TestDoc::tags, "legumes")
This returns: [3]
function takes a block that has a SearchDSL
object as its receiver. You can use this to customize
your query and add e.g. sorting, aggregations, queries, paging, etc.
The following sections describe (most) of the query dsl:
Most commonly used query types are supported
and anything that isn’t supported, you can still add by using the map functionality.
For example, this is how you would construct the term query using the underlying map: {
// you can assign maps, lists, primitives, etc.
this["query"] = mapOf(
// JsonDsl is what the SearchDsl uses as its basis.
"term" to withJsonDsl {
// and withJsonDsl is just short for this:
this[] = JsonDsl().apply {
this["value"] = "legumes"
// the advantage over a map is more flexible put functions
This returns: [3]
For more information on how to extend the DSL or how to create your own DSL see Extending the Json DSLs
Of course a key reason for querying is to get the documents you indexed back and deserializing those back to your model classes so that you can do things with them.
Here is a more complex query that returns fruit with ban
as the name prefix.
val resp = {
from = 0
// size is of course also a thing in Map
resultSize = 100
// more relevant if you have more than 10k hits
trackTotalHits = "true" // not always a boolean in the DSL
// a more complex bool query
query = bool {
term(TestDoc::tags, "fruit")
matchPhrasePrefix(TestDoc::name, "ban")
// deserializes all the hits and extract the name
val names = resp.parseHits<TestDoc>().map { }
// you can also parse individual hits:
resp.hits?.hits?.forEach { hit ->
val doc = hit.parseHit<TestDoc>()
println("${} - ${hit.score}: ${} (${doc.price})")
This prints:
2 - 1.0925692: Banana (0.8)
1 - 0.0: Apple (0.5)
By default, the source gets deserialized as a JsonObject
. However, with kotlinx.serialization
, you can
use that as the input for decodeFromJsonElement<T>(object)
to deserialize to some custom
data structure. This is something we use in multiple places and it gives us the flexibility to
be schema less when we need to and use a rich model when want to.
It’s not required to use the DSL and you can also use Kotlin’s raw String literals to compose a query and use Kotlin’s String templating. This is convenient if you are prototyping your queries in Kibana’s dev console as you can simply copy paste the query into your code and have a working query.
val term = "legumes"
indexName, rawJson = """
"query": {
"term": {
"tags": {
This returns: [3]
Elasticsearch also has a more limited _count API dedicated to simply counting results.
// count all documents
println("Number of docs" + client.count(indexName).count)
// or with a query
println("Number of docs" + client.count(indexName) {
query = term(TestDoc::tags, "fruit")
This prints:
Number of docs3
Number of docs2
Kt-search also includes DSL support for doing multi searches. The msearch API has a similar API as the bulk API in the sense that it takes a body that has headers and search requests interleaved. Each line of the body is a json object. Likewise, the response is in ndjson form and contains a search response for each of the search requests.
The msearch DSL in kt-search makes this very easy to do:
client.msearch(indexName) {
// the header is optional, this will simply add
// {} as the header
add {
// the full search dsl is supported here
// will query indexName for everything
query = matchAll()
add(msearchHeader {
// overrides the indexName and queries
// everything in the cluster
allowNoIndices = true
index = "*"
}) {
from = 0
resultSize = 100
query = matchAll()
}.responses.forEach { searchResponse ->
// will print document count for both searches
println("document count ${}")
This prints:
document count 3
document count 46
Similar to the normal search, you can also construct your body manually. The format is ndjson
val resp = client.msearch(
body = """
""".trimIndent() // the extra new line is required by ES
println("Doc counts: ${
resp.responses.joinToString { }
This prints:
Doc counts: 3
KT Search Manual | Previous: Indices, Settings, Mappings, and Aliases | Next: Text Queries |
Github | © Jilles van Gurp |