Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch with easily extendable Kotlin DSLs for queries, mappings, bulk, and more.
KT Search Manual | Previous: Specialized Queries | Next: Deep Paging Using search_after and scroll |
Github | © Jilles van Gurp |
The aggregations DSL in Elasticsearch is both very complicated and vast. This is an area where using Kotlin can vastly simplify things for programmers.
The search dsl provides several levels of convenience here:
First lets create some sample documents to aggregate on:
data class MockDoc(
val name: String,
val tags: List<String>? = null,
val color: String? = null,
val timestamp: Instant? = null
val indexName = "docs-aggs-demo"
client.createIndex(indexName) {
mappings {
val repo = client.repository(indexName, MockDoc.serializer())
repo.bulk {
val now =
name = "1",
tags = listOf("bar"),
color = "green",
timestamp = now
name = "2",
tags = listOf("foo"),
color = "red",
timestamp = now - 1.days
name = "3",
tags = listOf("foo", "bar"),
color = "red",
timestamp = now - 5.days
name = "4",
tags = listOf("foobar"),
color = "green",
timestamp = now - 10.days
Probably the most used aggregation is the terms
val response = {
// we don't care about the results here
resultSize = 0
agg(MyAggNames.BY_TAG, TermsAgg(MockDoc::tags)) {
// aggregations can be nested
agg(MyAggNames.BY_COLOR, TermsAgg(MockDoc::color) {
minDocCount = 1
aggSize = 3
// a pretty printing Json configuration that comes with kt-search
This prints:
"took": 3,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0,
"skipped": 0
"timed_out": false,
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 4,
"relation": "eq"
"hits": []
"aggregations": {
"BY_TAG": {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "bar",
"doc_count": 2,
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "green",
"doc_count": 1
"key": "red",
"doc_count": 1
"key": "foo",
"doc_count": 2,
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "red",
"doc_count": 2
"key": "foobar",
"doc_count": 1,
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "green",
"doc_count": 1
Note that we are using enum values for the aggregation names. Here is the enum we are using:
enum class MyAggNames {
You can also use string literals of course.
As you can see from the captured output, parsing this to a type safe structure is a bit of a challenge because the response mixes aggregation names that we specified with aggregation query specific objects.
So, coming up with a model class that captures that is a challenge. The solution for this has to
be a bit more complicated than that.
However, kotlinx.serialization
gives us a way out in the form of the schema less JsonObject
and the
ability to deserialize those into custom model classes. In this case we have TermsAggregationResult
classes that we can use for picking apart a terms aggregation using extension functions.
// response.aggregations is a JsonObject?
// termsResult(name) extracts a TermsAggregationResult from there
val tags = response.aggregations.termsResult(MyAggNames.BY_TAG)
println("Number of buckets: " + tags.buckets.size)
// since buckets can contain sub aggregations, those too are JsonObjects
// buckets is a List<JsonObject>
tags.buckets.forEach { jsonObject ->
// but we can parse those to a TermsBucket
// with another extension function
val tb = jsonObject.parse<TermsBucket>()
println("${tb.key}: ${tb.docCount}")
// and we can get to the named sub aggregations from jsonObject
val colors = jsonObject.termsResult(MyAggNames.BY_COLOR)
// you can also use parsedBuckets to the type safe TermsBucket
colors.buckets.forEach { colorBucketObject ->
val tb = colorBucketObject.parse<TermsBucket>()
println(" ${tb.key}: ${tb.docCount}")
This prints:
Number of buckets: 3
bar: 2
green: 1
red: 1
foo: 2
red: 2
foobar: 1
green: 1
With some more extension function magic we can make this a bit nicer.
val tags = response.aggregations.termsResult(MyAggNames.BY_TAG)
// use parsedBucket to get a Bucket<TermsBucket>
// this allows us to get to the TermsBucket and the aggregations
tags.parsedBuckets.forEach { tagBucket ->
println("${tagBucket.parsed.key}: ${tagBucket.parsed.docCount}")
.parsedBuckets.forEach { colorBucket ->
println(" ${colorBucket.parsed.key}: ${colorBucket.parsed.docCount}")
This prints:
bar: 2
green: 1
red: 1
foo: 2
red: 2
foobar: 1
green: 1
Elasticsearch has great support for geospatial information. And part of its support includes breaking things down by area. The common way for most maps to break down in digital maps is using map tiles.
Tiles follow a z/x/y
coordinate system:
(zoom level): Controls the scale of the map. Lower values show the whole world in a few tiles, while higher values provide detailed views with many tiles.x
and y
(tile position): Define the column (x
) and row (y
) of the tile in a grid at the given zoom level.For example, at zoom level 0, the entire world fits into a single tile (0/0/0).
At zoom level 1, the world is divided into 4 tiles (0/0/0, 1/0/0, 0/1/0, 1/1/0).
At zoom level 2, it is further divided into 16 tiles, and so on, following a 2^z × 2^z
grid structure.
Each tile typically contains 256×256 pixels or vector data and is projected using the Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection, which distorts land areas near the poles but is widely used for interactive maps.
In the examples below, we’ll reuse the same geo points we used in the documentation:
First, let’s create an index with some documents with a geospatial information for a TestGeoDoc class
data class TestGeoDoc(val id: String, val name: String, val point: List<Double>)
client.createIndex(indexName) {
mappings {
val points = listOf(
id = "bar",
name = "Kommerzpunk",
point = listOf(13.400544, 52.530286)
id = "tower",
name = "Tv Tower",
point = listOf(13.40942173843226, 52.52082388531597)
id = "tor",
name = "Brandenburger Tor",
point = listOf(13.377622382132417, 52.51632993824314)
id = "tegel",
name = "Tegel Airport (Closed)",
point = listOf(13.292043211510515, 52.55955614073912)
id = "airport",
name = "Brandenburg Airport",
point = listOf(13.517282872748005, 52.367036750575814)
).associateBy { }
client.bulk(target = indexName) {
// note longitude comes before latitude with geojson
points.values.forEach { create(it) }
The main bucket aggregation for geo spatial information is the geotile_grid
val response = {
resultSize = 0
agg("grid", GeoTileGridAgg(,13)) {
agg("centroid", GeoCentroidAgg(
val geoTiles = response.aggregations.geoTileGridResult("grid")
geoTiles.parsedBuckets.forEach { bucket ->
bucket.aggregations.geoCentroid("centroid").let {
val key = bucket.parsed.key
println("$key: ${it.location} - ${it.count} ")
This prints:
"took": 8,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0,
"skipped": 0
"timed_out": false,
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 5,
"relation": "eq"
"hits": []
"aggregations": {
"grid": {
"buckets": [
"key": "13/4400/2686",
"doc_count": 2,
"centroid": {
"location": {
"lat": 52.52330794930458,
"lon": 13.38908314704895
"count": 2
"key": "13/4403/2692",
"doc_count": 1,
"centroid": {
"location": {
"lat": 52.36703671049327,
"lon": 13.517282847315073
"count": 1
"key": "13/4401/2686",
"doc_count": 1,
"centroid": {
"location": {
"lat": 52.52082384657115,
"lon": 13.409421667456627
"count": 1
"key": "13/4398/2685",
"doc_count": 1,
"centroid": {
"location": {
"lat": 52.55955611821264,
"lon": 13.292043171823025
"count": 1
13/4400/2686: Point(lat=52.52330794930458, lon=13.38908314704895) - 2
13/4403/2692: Point(lat=52.36703671049327, lon=13.517282847315073) - 1
13/4401/2686: Point(lat=52.52082384657115, lon=13.409421667456627) - 1
13/4398/2685: Point(lat=52.55955611821264, lon=13.292043171823025) - 1
Here is a more complicated example where we use various other aggregations.
Note, we do not support all aggregations currently but it’s easy to add support for more as needed. Pull requests for this are welcome.
val response = {
resultSize = 0 // we only care about the aggs
agg(MyAggNames.BY_DATE, DateHistogramAgg(MockDoc::timestamp) {
calendarInterval = "1d"
agg(MyAggNames.BY_COLOR, TermsAgg(MockDoc::color)) {
agg(MyAggNames.MIN_TIME, MinAgg(MockDoc::timestamp))
agg(MyAggNames.MAX_TIME, MaxAgg(MockDoc::timestamp))
// this is a cool way to calculate duration
agg(MyAggNames.TIME_SPAN, BucketScriptAgg {
script = "params.max - params.min"
bucketsPath = BucketsPath {
this["min"] = MyAggNames.MIN_TIME
this["max"] = MyAggNames.MAX_TIME
// throw in a top_hits aggregation as well
agg(MyAggNames.TOP_RESULTS, TopHitsAgg())
// we can do some stats on the calculated duration!
agg(MyAggNames.SPAN_STATS, ExtendedStatsBucketAgg {
bucketsPath = "${MyAggNames.BY_COLOR}>${MyAggNames.TIME_SPAN}"
agg(MyAggNames.TAG_CARDINALITY, CardinalityAgg(MockDoc::tags))
// date_histogram works very similar to the terms aggregation
response.aggregations.dateHistogramResult(MyAggNames.BY_DATE) { it.parsed }.forEach { db ->
println("${db.keyAsString}: ${db.docCount}")
// We have extension functions for picking apart
// each of the aggregation results.
response.aggregations.termsResult(MyAggNames.BY_COLOR).buckets.forEach { b ->
val tb = b.parse<TermsBucket>()
println("${tb.key}: ${tb.docCount}")
println(" Min: ${b.minResult(MyAggNames.MIN_TIME).value}")
println(" Max: ${b.maxResult(MyAggNames.MAX_TIME).value}")
println(" Time span: ${b.bucketScriptResult(MyAggNames.TIME_SPAN).value}")
// top_hits returns the hits part of a normal search response
" Top: [${
b.topHitResult(MyAggNames.TOP_RESULTS) {
"Avg time span: ${
"Tag cardinality: ${
This prints:
Avg time span: 0.0
Tag cardinality: 0
You can use the filter aggregation to narrow down the results and do sub aggregations on the filtered results. {
resultSize = 0
agg("filtered", FilterAgg(this@search.term(MockDoc::tags, "foo"))) {
agg("colors", TermsAgg(MockDoc::color))
}.let {
it.aggregations.filterResult("filtered")?.let { fb ->
println("filtered: ${fb.docCount}")
.forEach { b ->
println("${b.parsed.key}: ${b.parsed.docCount}")
This prints:
filtered: 0
You can also use the filters aggregation to use multiple named filter aggregations at the same time {
resultSize = 0
agg("filtered", FiltersAgg {
namedFilter("foo", this@search.term(MockDoc::tags, "foo"))
namedFilter("bat", this@search.term(MockDoc::tags, "bar"))
}) {
agg("colors", TermsAgg(MockDoc::color))
}.let {
.namedBuckets.forEach { fb ->
println("${}: ${fb.docCount}")
.parsedBuckets.joinToString(", ") { b ->
b.parsed.key + ": " + b.parsed.docCount
Like with the Search DSL, we do not provide exhaustive coverage of all the features and instead provide implementations for commonly used aggregations and make it really easy to extend this.
So, if you get stuck without support for something you need, you should be able to fix it easily yourself.
You can add your own classes and extension functions to deal with aggregation results. We’ll illustrate that by showing how the Terms aggregation works:
// let's do a simple terms aggregation
val response = {
// we don't care about the results here
resultSize = 0
agg(MyAggNames.BY_TAG, TermsAgg("tags"))
// the termsResult function we used before is short for this:
val tags = response.aggregations
We need two classes for picking apart terms aggregation results:
data class TermsBucket(
val key: String,
val docCount: Long,
data class TermsAggregationResult(
val docCountErrorUpperBound: Long,
val sumOtherDocCount: Long,
override val buckets: List<JsonObject>
) : BucketAggregationResult<TermsBucket>
The genericBucketAggregationResult
interface that we implement looks like this:
interface BucketAggregationResult<T> {
val buckets: List<JsonObject>
This should be implemented on all bucket aggregations. The T
parameter allows us to deserialize the
bucket JsonObject
instances easily with either parse
or parsedBuckets
, which is an extension function
on BucketAggregationResult
Now all that’s left to do is add some extension functions:
val TermsAggregationResult.parsedBuckets get() = { Bucket(it, TermsBucket.serializer()) }
is an extension property on TermsAggregationResult that returns a Bucket
Using that, we can add some more convenience:
// counts as a map of key to count
fun List<TermsBucket>.counts() =
this.associate { it.key to it.docCount }
// extract terms result by name
fun Aggregations?.termsResult(
name: String,
json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON
): TermsAggregationResult =
getAggResult(name, json)
// and by enum value
fun Aggregations?.termsResult(
name: Enum<*>,
json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON
): TermsAggregationResult =
getAggResult(name, json)
For more examples for other aggregations, refer to the source code.
KT Search Manual | Previous: Specialized Queries | Next: Deep Paging Using search_after and scroll |
Github | © Jilles van Gurp |