
Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch with easily extendable Kotlin DSLs for queries, mappings, bulk, and more.

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Specialized Queries

KT Search Manual Previous: Geo Spatial Queries Next: Aggregations
Github © Jilles van Gurp  

Distance Feature

You can use distance_feature queries to rank to the distance between your documents and an origin. This works for both dates and points.

Lets create some documents with a time and point field for a few historical buildings.

data class TestDoc(
  val name: String,
  val buildingTime: Instant,
  val point: List<Double>,

client.createIndex(indexName) {
  mappings {

client.bulk(target = indexName) {
    name = "Tv Tower",
    buildingTime = Instant.parse("1969-01-01T00:00Z"),
    point = listOf(13.40942173843226, 52.52082388531597)
    name = "Brandenburger Tor",
    buildingTime = Instant.parse("1791-01-01T00:00Z"),
    point = listOf(13.377622382132417, 52.51632993824314)

Now we can score documents on physical distance as follows:

val first = client.search(indexName) {
  query = distanceFeature(
    field = TestDoc::point,
    pivot = "20km",
    origin = listOf(13.377622382132417, 52.51632993824314)


This prints:

The Brandenburger Tor is closer to itself than the TV tower so it comes out on top.

And on the building year like this:

val first = client.search(indexName) {
  query = distanceFeature(
    field = TestDoc::buildingTime,
    pivot = "200m", // 200 months
    origin = "2020-01-01T00:00"


This prints:

The building year of the TV tower is closer to 2020 than the Brandenburger Gate

Rank Feature

You can use the rank_feature query to rank on custom scores (e.g. page rank) or other numeric values in a document. For this to work you need to use the rank_feature or rank_features mapping. For example for these documents:

data class TestDoc(
  val name: String,
  val ktSearchRank: Int,

client.createIndex(indexName) {
  mappings {

client.bulk(target = indexName) {
    name = "low",
    ktSearchRank = 45
    name = "medium",
    ktSearchRank = 75
    name = "high",
    ktSearchRank = 96

We add a few documents with a ktSearchRank field that is mapped as a rank_feature.

You can use different functions:

client.search(indexName) {
  // saturation query with default pivot
  query = rankFeature(TestDoc::ktSearchRank)
  // saturation with custom pivot
  query = rankFeature(TestDoc::ktSearchRank) {
    saturation(pivot= 50.0)
  // sigmoid
  query = rankFeature(TestDoc::ktSearchRank) {
    sigmoid(pivot= 50.0, exponent = 0.8)
  // log function
  query = rankFeature(TestDoc::ktSearchRank) {
    log(scalingFactor = 0.1)
  // linear function
  query = rankFeature(TestDoc::ktSearchRank) {

KT Search Manual Previous: Geo Spatial Queries Next: Aggregations
Github © Jilles van Gurp