
Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch with easily extendable Kotlin DSLs for queries, mappings, bulk, and more.

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Text Queries

KT Search Manual Previous: Search and Queries Next: Term Level Queries
Github © Jilles van Gurp  

If you are doing textual search, Elasticsearch offers a lot of functionality out of the box. We’ll cover only the basics here. Please refer to the Opensearch and Elasticsearch manuals for full coverage of all the options and parameters.


client.search(indexName) {
  // will match on beans
  query = match(TestDoc::name, "red beans") {
    boost = 2.0
    lenient = true
    autoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery = true
}.pretty("Match query").let {

This prints:

Match query Found 1 results:
- 1.6285465 3 Green Beans

Match Phrase

client.search(indexName) {
  // will match on "green beans"
  query = matchPhrase(TestDoc::name, "green beans") {
    boost = 2.0
    slop = 2
    zeroTermsQuery = ZeroTermsQuery.none
}.pretty("Match Phrase query").let {

This prints:

Match Phrase query Found 1 results:
- 3.257093 3 Green Beans

Match Phrase Prefix

client.search(indexName) {
  // will match on "green beans"
  query = matchPhrasePrefix(TestDoc::name, "green bea") {
    boost = 2.0
    slop = 2
    zeroTermsQuery = ZeroTermsQuery.none
}.pretty("Match Phrase Prefix query").let {

This prints:

Match Phrase Prefix query Found 1 results:
- 3.257093 3 Green Beans

Multi Match

client.search(indexName) {
  // will match on "green beans"
  query = multiMatch("banana beans",
    "name", "tags.txt") {
    type = MultiMatchType.best_fields
    tieBreaker = 0.3
    operator = MatchOperator.OR
}.pretty("Multi Match").let {

This prints:

Multi Match Found 2 results:
- 1.0925692 2 Banana
- 0.81427324 3 Green Beans

Simple Query String

A simple query string parser that can query multiple fields

client.search(indexName) {
  query = simpleQueryString( "beans OR fruit", "name", "tags.txt" )
}.pretty("Multi Match").let {

This prints:

Multi Match Found 3 results:
- 0.81427324 3 Green Beans
- 0.4700036 1 Apple
- 0.4700036 2 Banana

Query String Query

Similar to simple query string but with a more strict query language and less leniency.

client.search(indexName) {
  query = queryString( "(banana) OR (apple)", TestDoc::name)
}.pretty("Multi Match").let {

This prints:

Multi Match Found 2 results:
- 1.0925692 1 Apple
- 1.0925692 2 Banana

Intervals query

The intervals query is a powerful but also complicated query. Be sure to refer to the Elasticsearch manual. It allows you to query for terms using interval based match rules. These rules can get quite complicated and you need to be careful with how they interact. For example the order matters and the most minimal interval “wins”.

Here is a simple example

client.search(indexName) {
  query = intervals("name") {
    matchRule {
      query="green beans"
      maxGaps = 1
}.pretty("Combined fields").let {

This prints:

Combined fields Found 1 results:
- 0.5 3 Green Beans

You can combine multiple rules with any_of, or all_of.

client.search(indexName) {
  query = intervals("name") {
    allOfRule {
        matchRule {
          query = "green beans"
          maxGaps = 1
          withFilter {
            notContaining(matchRule { query="red" })
        prefixRule {
          prefix = "gr"
}.pretty("Combined fields").let {

This prints:

Combined fields Found 1 results:
- 0.5 3 Green Beans

Combined fields query

client.search(indexName) {
  query = combinedFields( "banana fruit", "name^2","tags.txt") {
    operator = MatchOperator.AND
}.pretty("Combined fields").let {

This prints:

Combined fields Found 1 results:
- 1.9290931 2 Banana

KT Search Manual Previous: Search and Queries Next: Term Level Queries
Github © Jilles van Gurp