Package-level declarations


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data class AcknowledgedResponse(val acknowledged: Boolean)
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Use this co routine scope to control affinity to a particular host. Ktor client may attempt to pipeline/reuse connections depending on how you set that up.

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typealias Aggregations = JsonObject
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class AliasAction : JsonDsl
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data class AliasResponse(val aliases: Map<String, JsonObject>)
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class AliasUpdateRequest : JsonDsl
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class AnalyzeRequest : JsonDsl
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data class AnalyzeResponse(val tokens: List<AnalyzeToken>)
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data class AnalyzeToken(val token: String, val startOffset: Int, val endOffset: Int, val type: String, val position: Int)
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class Bucket<T>(val aggregations: Aggregations, deserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<T>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON)
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class BulkException(val bulkResponse: BulkResponse) : Exception
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Use this to deal with item responses and failures; or bulk request errors. By default, the callback is null.

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data class BulkResponse(val took: Long, val errors: Boolean, val items: List<JsonObject>)
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interface BulkSession
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data class ClusterHealthResponse(val clusterName: String, val status: ClusterStatus, val timedOut: Boolean)
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enum ClusterStatus : Enum<ClusterStatus>
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class ComponentTemplate : JsonDsl
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data class CountResponse(val count: Long, val shards: Shards)
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data class CreatePointInTimeResponse(val id: String)
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data class DateHistogramAggregationResult(val buckets: List<JsonObject>) : BucketAggregationResult<DateHistogramBucket>
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data class DateHistogramBucket(val key: Long, val keyAsString: String, val docCount: Long)
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data class DateRangesAggregationResult(val buckets: List<JsonObject>) : BucketAggregationResult<DateRangesBucket>
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data class DateRangesBucket(val key: String, val docCount: Long, val from: Double?, val fromAsString: String?, val to: Double?, val toAsString: String?)
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data class DeleteByQueryResponse(val took: Long, val timedOut: Boolean, val total: Long, val deleted: Long, val batches: Long, val versionConflicts: Long, val noops: Long, val retries: DeleteByQueryResponse.Retries, val requestsPerSecond: Double, val throttledUntilMillis: Long, val failures: List<JsonObject>? = null)
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data class DocumentIndexResponse(val index: String, val type: String?, val id: String, val version: Long, val result: String, val shards: Shards, val seqNo: Int, val primaryTerm: Int, val source: JsonObject? = null) : SourceInformation
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data class DocumentUpdateResponse(val index: String, val type: String?, val id: String, val version: Long, val result: String, val shards: Shards, val seqNo: Int, val primaryTerm: Int, val get: DocumentUpdateResponse.UpdatedSourceInformation? = null)
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data class DoubleValueAggregationResult(val value: Double, val valueAsString: String?)
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data class ExtendedStatsBucketResult(val count: Int = 0, val min: Double = 0.0, val max: Double = 0.0, val avg: Double = 0.0, val sum: Double = 0.0, val sumOfSquares: Double = 0.0, val variance: Double = 0.0, val variancePopulation: Double = 0.0, val varianceSampling: Double = 0.0, val stdDeviation: Double = 0.0, val stdDeviationPopulation: Double = 0.0, val stdDeviationSampling: Double = 0.0, val stdDeviationBounds: ExtendedStatsBucketResult.Bounds = Bounds())
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data class FilterAggregationResult(val docCount: Long)
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data class FilterBucket(val name: String, val docCount: Long, val bucket: JsonObject)
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data class FiltersAggregationResult(val buckets: JsonObject)
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data class GeoCentroidResult(val location: GeoCentroidResult.Point, val count: Long)
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data class GeoTileGridBucket(val key: String, val docCount: Long)
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data class GeoTileGridResult(val buckets: List<JsonObject>) : BucketAggregationResult<GeoTileGridBucket>
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data class GetDocumentResponse(val index: String, val type: String?, val id: String, val version: Long?, val source: JsonObject?, val seqNo: Int?, val primaryTerm: Int?, val found: Boolean, val routing: String? = null, val fields: JsonObject? = null) : SourceInformation
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class HitsContainer(val hits: SearchResponse.Hits)
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class ILMActions : JsonDsl
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class ILMConfiguration : JsonDsl
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class ILMPhaseConfiguration : JsonDsl
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class IMLPhases : JsonDsl
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class IMLPolicy : JsonDsl
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data class IndexCreateResponse(val acknowledged: Boolean, val shardsAcknowledged: Boolean, val index: String)
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interface IndexProvider
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class IndexTemplate : JsonDsl
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class KtorRestClient(nodes: Node = arrayOf( Node( "localhost", 9200 ) ), https: Boolean = false, user: String? = null, password: String? = null, logging: Boolean = false, nodeSelector: NodeSelector = RoundRobinNodeSelector(nodes), elasticApiKey: String? = null, client: HttpClient = defaultKtorHttpClient( logging = logging, user = user, password = password, elasticApiKey = elasticApiKey ) { defaultInit(logging, user, password, elasticApiKey) }) : RestClient, Closeable

Ktor-client implementation of the RestClient.

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data class LongValueAggregationResult(val value: Long, val valueAsString: String?)
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typealias MatchedQueries = JsonElement
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class MGetRequest : JsonDsl
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data class MGetResponse(val docs: List<GetDocumentResponse>)
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class MsearchHeader : JsonDsl
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data class MultiSearchResponse(val took: Long, val responses: List<SearchResponse>)
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data class Node(val host: String, val port: Int?)
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interface NodeSelector
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data class RangesAggregationResult(val buckets: List<JsonObject>) : BucketAggregationResult<RangesBucket>
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data class RangesBucket(val key: String, val docCount: Long, val from: Double?, val to: Double?)
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data class ReindexResponse(val took: Int, val timedOut: Boolean, val total: Int, val updated: Int, val created: Int, val deleted: Int, val batches: Int, val versionConflicts: Int, val noops: Int, val retries: ReindexRetries, val throttledMillis: Int, val requestsPerSecond: Double, val throttledUntilMillis: Int, val failures: List<String>)
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data class ReindexRetries(val bulk: Int, val search: Int)
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interface RestClient : Closeable

Minimalistic abstraction that should allow for different clients.

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class RestException(val response: RestResponse) : Exception
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sealed class RestResponse
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data class SearchAPIRequest(body: String? = null, contentType: ContentType = ContentType.Application.Json, pathComponents: List<String> = listOf(), parameters: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf(), headers: MutableMap<String, Any> = mutableMapOf())
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class SearchClient(val restClient: RestClient = KtorRestClient(), val json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON) : Closeable

Search client that you can use to talk to Elasticsearch or Opensearch.

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data class SearchEngineInformation(val name: String, val clusterName: String, val clusterUUID: String, val version: SearchEngineVersion)
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data class SearchEngineVersion(val distribution: String?, val number: String, val buildFlavor: String?, val buildHash: String, val buildDate: String, val buildSnapshot: Boolean, val luceneVersion: String, val minimumWireCompatibilityVersion: String, val minimumIndexCompatibilityVersion: String)
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data class SearchResponse(val took: Long?, val shards: Shards?, val timedOut: Boolean?, val hits: SearchResponse.Hits?, val aggregations: Aggregations?, val scrollId: String?, val pitId: String?, val suggest: Map<String, List<SearchResponse.Suggest>>?)
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data class Shards(val total: Int, val successful: Int, val failed: Int, val skipped: Int? = null)
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class SnapshotRepository : JsonDsl
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class SniffingNodeSelector(initialNodes: Node, maxNodeAge: Duration = 1.minutes, https: Boolean = false, user: String? = null, password: String? = null) : NodeSelector

If you are running against a cluster without a node balancer you can use this node selector to make the client sniff nodes from the cluster.

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data class SumAggregationResult(val value: Double)
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data class TaskId(val value: String)
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data class TaskResponse(val task: String)
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data class TermsAggregationResult(val docCountErrorUpperBound: Long, val sumOtherDocCount: Long, val buckets: List<JsonObject>) : BucketAggregationResult<TermsBucket>
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data class TermsBucket(val key: String, val docCount: Long, val keyAsString: String?)
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data class TopHitsAggregationResult(val hits: SearchResponse.Hits)
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data class VariantInfo(val variant: SearchEngineVariant, val versionString: String)

Search engine variant meta data.

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val DateHistogramAggregationResult.parsedBuckets: <Error class: unknown class>
val DateRangesAggregationResult.parsedBuckets: <Error class: unknown class>
val GeoTileGridResult.parsedBuckets: <Error class: unknown class>
val RangesAggregationResult.parsedBuckets: <Error class: unknown class>
val TermsAggregationResult.parsedBuckets: <Error class: unknown class>
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suspend fun SearchClient.analyze(target: String? = null, block: AnalyzeRequest.() -> Unit): AnalyzeResponse
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fun Aggregations?.bucketScriptResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DoubleValueAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.bucketScriptResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DoubleValueAggregationResult
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suspend fun SearchClient.bulk(payload: String, target: String? = null, pipeline: String? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, source: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): <Error class: unknown class>

Send a single bulk request. Consider using the variant that creates a BulkSession.

suspend fun SearchClient.bulk(bulkSize: Int = 100, target: String? = null, pipeline: String? = null, refresh: Refresh? = Refresh.WaitFor, routing: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, source: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, failOnFirstError: Boolean = false, callBack: BulkItemCallBack? = null, closeOnRequestError: Boolean = true, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null, block: suspend BulkSession.() -> Unit)

Creates a bulk session that allows you to index, create, or delete items via the convenient kotlin DSL.

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fun SearchClient.bulkSession(bulkSize: Int = 100, target: String? = null, pipeline: String? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, source: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, failOnFirstError: Boolean = false, callBack: BulkItemCallBack? = null, closeOnRequestError: Boolean = true, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): BulkSession
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suspend fun SearchClient.cancelTask(id: String, waitForCompletion: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = 1.minutes): JsonObject
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fun Aggregations?.cardinalityResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): LongValueAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.cardinalityResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): LongValueAggregationResult
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suspend fun SearchClient.clusterHealth(extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): ClusterHealthResponse
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suspend fun SearchClient.count(target: String? = null, query: ESQuery, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, ignoreThrottled: Boolean? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, minScore: Double? = null, preference: String? = null, routing: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null): CountResponse

Variant of the _count api that allows you to pass in an ESQuery object. It will be set as the query on the json body that is sent to _count.

suspend fun SearchClient.count(target: String? = null, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, ignoreThrottled: Boolean? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, minScore: Double? = null, preference: String? = null, routing: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null, block: SearchDSL.() -> Unit): CountResponse

Variant of the _count api that takes a search dsl block so you can set the query. Note, not all parts of the search dsl are supported by _count. E.g. adding sorting would be an error.

suspend fun SearchClient.count(target: String? = null, rawJson: String? = null, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, ignoreThrottled: Boolean? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, minScore: Double? = null, preference: String? = null, routing: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null): CountResponse

Variant of the _count api that takes an optional rawBody. Leaving the body empty means doing a match_all search.

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inline suspend fun <T> BulkSession.create(doc: T, index: String? = null, id: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, routing: String? = null)
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suspend fun SearchClient.createDataStream(name: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.createIndex(name: String, mapping: IndexSettingsAndMappingsDSL, waitForActiveShards: Int? = null, masterTimeOut: Duration? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): IndexCreateResponse
suspend fun SearchClient.createIndex(name: String, waitForActiveShards: Int? = null, masterTimeOut: Duration? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null, block: IndexSettingsAndMappingsDSL.() -> Unit? = null): IndexCreateResponse
suspend fun SearchClient.createIndex(name: String, mappingAndSettings: String, waitForActiveShards: Int? = null, masterTimeOut: Duration? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): IndexCreateResponse
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suspend fun SearchClient.createIndexTemplate(templateId: String, block: IndexTemplate.() -> Unit): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.createPointInTime(name: String, keepAlive: Duration): String

Create a point in time for use with e.g. search_after.

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fun Aggregations?.dateHistogramResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DateHistogramAggregationResult
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fun Aggregations?.dateRangesResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DateRangesAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.dateRangesResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DateRangesAggregationResult
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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.defaultInit(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?)
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expect fun defaultKtorHttpClient(logging: Boolean = false, user: String? = null, password: String? = null, elasticApiKey: String? = null, block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
actual fun defaultKtorHttpClient(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: <Error class: unknown class><out <Error class: unknown class>>.() -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>
actual fun defaultKtorHttpClient(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
actual fun defaultKtorHttpClient(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
actual fun defaultKtorHttpClient(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
actual fun defaultKtorHttpClient(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: <Error class: unknown class><out <Error class: unknown class>>.() -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>
actual fun defaultKtorHttpClient(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
actual fun defaultKtorHttpClient(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteByQuery(target: String?, dsl: SearchDSL, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, analyzer: String? = null, analyzeWildcard: Boolean? = null, conflicts: String? = null, defaultOperator: SearchOperator? = null, df: String? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, lenient: Boolean? = null, maxDocs: Int? = null, preference: String? = null, q: String? = null, refresh: Boolean? = null, requestCache: Boolean? = null, requestsPerSecond: Int? = null, routing: String? = null, scroll: String? = null, scrollSize: Int? = null, searchType: SearchType? = null, searchTimeout: String? = null, slices: Int? = null, sort: String? = null, stats: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, version: Boolean? = null, waitForExtraShards: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): DeleteByQueryResponse
suspend fun SearchClient.deleteByQuery(target: String?, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, analyzer: String? = null, analyzeWildcard: Boolean? = null, conflicts: String? = null, defaultOperator: SearchOperator? = null, df: String? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, lenient: Boolean? = null, maxDocs: Int? = null, preference: String? = null, q: String? = null, refresh: Boolean? = null, requestCache: Boolean? = null, requestsPerSecond: Int? = null, routing: String? = null, scroll: String? = null, scrollSize: Int? = null, searchType: SearchType? = null, searchTimeout: String? = null, slices: Int? = null, sort: String? = null, stats: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, version: Boolean? = null, waitForExtraShards: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null, block: SearchDSL.() -> Unit): DeleteByQueryResponse
suspend fun SearchClient.deleteByQuery(target: String?, rawJson: String?, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, analyzer: String? = null, analyzeWildcard: Boolean? = null, conflicts: String? = null, defaultOperator: SearchOperator? = null, df: String? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, lenient: Boolean? = null, maxDocs: Int? = null, preference: String? = null, q: String? = null, refresh: Boolean? = null, requestCache: Boolean? = null, requestsPerSecond: Int? = null, routing: String? = null, scroll: String? = null, scrollSize: Int? = null, searchType: SearchType? = null, searchTimeout: String? = null, slices: Int? = null, sort: String? = null, stats: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, version: Boolean? = null, waitForExtraShards: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): DeleteByQueryResponse
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteComponentTemplate(templateId: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteDataStream(name: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteDocument(target: String, id: String, ifSeqNo: Int? = null, ifPrimaryTerm: Int? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, version: Long? = null, versionType: VersionType? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): DocumentIndexResponse
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteIlmPolicy(policyId: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteIndex(target: String, masterTimeOut: Duration? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteIndexTemplate(templateId: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.deletePointInTime(id: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteScroll(scrollId: String?): JsonObject

Delete a scroll by id.

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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteSnapshot(repositoryName: String, snapshotName: String, waitForCompletion: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = 1.minutes): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.deleteSnapshotRepository(repositoryName: String): JsonObject
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inline fun <T> SourceInformation.document(json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): T
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inline fun <T> MGetResponse.documents(json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): List<T>
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suspend fun SearchClient.exists(name: String): Boolean
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fun Aggregations?.filtersResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): FiltersAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.filtersResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): FiltersAggregationResult
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fun Aggregations?.geoTileGridResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): GeoTileGridResult
fun Aggregations?.geoTileGridResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): GeoTileGridResult
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inline fun <T> Aggregations?.getAggResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): T
inline fun <T> Aggregations?.getAggResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): T
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suspend fun SearchClient.getAliases(target: String? = null): Map<String, AliasResponse>
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suspend fun SearchClient.getDocument(target: String, id: String, preference: String? = null, realtime: Boolean? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, storedFields: String? = null, source: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, version: Long? = null, versionType: VersionType? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): GetDocumentResponse
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suspend fun SearchClient.getIlmPolicy(policyId: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.getIndex(name: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.getIndexMappings(name: String): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.getSnapshotRepository(repositoryName: String?): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.getTask(id: String?, waitForCompletion: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = 1.minutes): JsonObject
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suspend fun RestClient.head(block: SearchAPIRequest.() -> Unit): RestResponse
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inline suspend fun <T> BulkSession.index(doc: T, index: String? = null, id: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, routing: String? = null)
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suspend fun SearchClient.indexDocument(target: String, serializedJson: String, id: String? = null, ifSeqNo: Int? = null, ifPrimaryTerm: Int? = null, opType: OperationType? = null, pipeline: String? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, version: Long? = null, versionType: VersionType? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): DocumentIndexResponse
inline suspend fun <T> SearchClient.indexDocument(target: String, document: T, id: String? = null, ifSeqNo: Int? = null, ifPrimaryTerm: Int? = null, opType: OperationType? = null, pipeline: String? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, version: Long? = null, versionType: VersionType? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DocumentIndexResponse
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fun ktorClientWithCIOEngine(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
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fun ktorClientWithJavaEngine(logging: Boolean, user: String?, password: String?, elasticApiKey: String?, block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
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suspend fun SearchClient.listSnapshots(repositoryName: String, pattern: String = "_all"): JsonObject
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fun Aggregations?.maxResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DoubleValueAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.maxResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DoubleValueAggregationResult
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suspend fun SearchClient.mGet(index: String? = null, preference: String? = null, realtime: Boolean? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, storedFields: String? = null, source: String? = null, block: MGetRequest.() -> Unit): MGetResponse
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fun Aggregations?.minResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DoubleValueAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.minResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): DoubleValueAggregationResult
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suspend fun SearchClient.msearch(target: String?, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, cssMinimizeRoundtrips: Boolean? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, ignoreThrottled: Boolean? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, maxConcurrentSearches: Int? = null, maxConcurrentShardRequests: Int? = null, preFilterShardSize: Int? = null, routing: String? = null, searchType: SearchType? = null, typedKeys: Boolean? = null, block: MsearchRequest.() -> Unit): MultiSearchResponse
suspend fun SearchClient.msearch(target: String? = null, body: String?, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, cssMinimizeRoundtrips: Boolean? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, ignoreThrottled: Boolean? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, maxConcurrentSearches: Int? = null, maxConcurrentShardRequests: Int? = null, preFilterShardSize: Int? = null, routing: String? = null, searchType: SearchType? = null, typedKeys: Boolean? = null): MultiSearchResponse
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fun MatchedQueries?.names(json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): List<String>

If include_named_queries_score parameter is not true only ES returns only query names for each Hit. If include_named_queries_score is true please use the scoreByName function.

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inline fun <T> JsonObject.parse(json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): T
fun <T> Result<RestResponse>.parse(deserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<T>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): T
fun <T> JsonObject.parse(deserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<T>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): T
fun <T> JsonObject.parse(json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON, deserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<T>): T
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inline fun <T> SearchResponse.Hit.parseHit(json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): T
fun <T> SearchResponse.Hit.parseHit(deserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<T>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): T
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inline fun <T> Flow<SearchResponse.Hit>.parseHits(): Flow<T>
fun <T : Any> Flow<SearchResponse.Hit>.parseHits(deserializationStrategy: ModelSerializationStrategy<T>): Flow<T>
fun <T> Flow<SearchResponse.Hit>.parseHits(deserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<T>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): Flow<T>

fun <T : Any> SearchResponse.parseHits(deserializationStrategy: ModelSerializationStrategy<T>): List<T>

Version of parseHits that reuses the ModelSerializationStrategy.

inline fun <T> SearchResponse.parseHits(json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): List<T>

Quick way to get the document hits from a SearchResponse. You can override the default json if you need to.

fun <T> SearchResponse.parseHits(deserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<T>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): List<T>

Non reified version of parseHits that takes a deserializationStrategy.

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fun Aggregations?.rangesResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): RangesAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.rangesResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): RangesAggregationResult
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suspend fun SearchClient.registerSnapshotRepository(repositoryName: String, repository: SnapshotRepository): JsonObject
suspend fun SearchClient.registerSnapshotRepository(repositoryName: String, block: SnapshotRepository.() -> Unit)
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suspend fun SearchClient.reindex(refresh: Boolean? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, requestsPerSecond: Int? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, scroll: Duration? = null, slices: Int? = null, maxDocs: Int? = null, block: ReindexDSL.() -> Unit): ReindexResponse
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suspend fun SearchClient.reindexAsync(refresh: Boolean? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, requestsPerSecond: Int? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, scroll: Duration? = null, slices: Int? = null, maxDocs: Int? = null, block: ReindexDSL.() -> Unit): TaskId
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suspend fun SearchClient.restoreSnapshot(repositoryName: String, snapshotName: String, waitForCompletion: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = 1.minutes): JsonObject
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Http GET to /

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fun MatchedQueries?.scoreByName(json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): Map<String, Double>

The request parameter named include_named_queries_score controls whether scores associated with the matched queries are returned or not. When set, the response includes a matched_queries map that contains the name of the query that matched as a key and its associated score as the value.

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Scroll through search results for a scrolling search.

suspend fun SearchClient.scroll(scrollId: String, scroll: Duration = 60.seconds): SearchResponse
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suspend fun String?, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, allowPartialSearchResults: Boolean? = null, analyzer: String? = null, analyzeWildcard: Boolean? = null, batchedReduceSize: Int? = null, ccsMinimizeRoundtrips: Boolean? = null, defaultOperator: SearchOperator? = null, df: String? = null, docvalueFields: String? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, explain: Boolean? = null, from: Int? = null, ignoreThrottled: Boolean? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, include_named_queries_score: Boolean? = null, lenient: Boolean? = null, maxConcurrentShardRequests: Int? = null, preFilterShardSize: Int? = null, preference: String? = null, q: String? = null, requestCache: Boolean? = null, restTotalHitsAsInt: Boolean? = null, routing: String? = null, scroll: String? = null, searchType: SearchType? = null, seqNoPrimaryTerm: Boolean? = null, size: Int? = null, sort: String? = null, _source: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, stats: String? = null, storedFields: String? = null, suggestField: String? = null, suggestMode: SuggestMode? = null, suggestSize: Int? = null, suggestText: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, trackScores: Boolean? = null, trackTotalHits: Boolean? = null, typedKeys: Boolean? = null, version: Boolean? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null, block: SearchDSL.() -> Unit? = null): SearchResponse
suspend fun String?, dsl: SearchDSL, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, allowPartialSearchResults: Boolean? = null, analyzer: String? = null, analyzeWildcard: Boolean? = null, batchedReduceSize: Int? = null, ccsMinimizeRoundtrips: Boolean? = null, defaultOperator: SearchOperator? = null, df: String? = null, docvalueFields: String? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, explain: Boolean? = null, from: Int? = null, ignoreThrottled: Boolean? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, include_named_queries_score: Boolean? = null, lenient: Boolean? = null, maxConcurrentShardRequests: Int? = null, preFilterShardSize: Int? = null, preference: String? = null, q: String? = null, requestCache: Boolean? = null, restTotalHitsAsInt: Boolean? = null, routing: String? = null, scroll: String? = null, searchType: SearchType? = null, seqNoPrimaryTerm: Boolean? = null, size: Int? = null, sort: String? = null, source: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, stats: String? = null, storedFields: String? = null, suggestField: String? = null, suggestMode: SuggestMode? = null, suggestSize: Int? = null, suggestText: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, trackScores: Boolean? = null, trackTotalHits: Boolean? = null, typedKeys: Boolean? = null, version: Boolean? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null, retries: Int = 3, retryDelay: Duration = 2.seconds): SearchResponse
suspend fun String?, rawJson: String?, allowNoIndices: Boolean? = null, allowPartialSearchResults: Boolean? = null, analyzer: String? = null, analyzeWildcard: Boolean? = null, batchedReduceSize: Int? = null, ccsMinimizeRoundtrips: Boolean? = null, defaultOperator: SearchOperator? = null, df: String? = null, docValueFields: String? = null, expandWildcards: ExpandWildCards? = null, explain: Boolean? = null, from: Int? = null, ignoreThrottled: Boolean? = null, ignoreUnavailable: Boolean? = null, include_named_queries_score: Boolean? = null, lenient: Boolean? = null, maxConcurrentShardRequests: Int? = null, preFilterShardSize: Int? = null, preference: String? = null, q: String? = null, requestCache: Boolean? = null, restTotalHitsAsInt: Boolean? = null, routing: String? = null, scroll: String? = null, searchType: SearchType? = null, seqNoPrimaryTerm: Boolean? = null, size: Int? = null, sort: String? = null, source: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, stats: String? = null, storedFields: String? = null, suggestField: String? = null, suggestMode: SuggestMode? = null, suggestSize: Int? = null, suggestText: String? = null, terminateAfter: Int? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, trackScores: Boolean? = null, trackTotalHits: Boolean? = null, typedKeys: Boolean? = null, version: Boolean? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null, retries: Int = 3, retryDelay: Duration = 2.seconds): SearchResponse
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suspend fun SearchClient.searchAfter(target: String, keepAlive: Duration = 1.minutes, optInToCustomSort: Boolean = false, block: SearchDSL.() -> Unit? = null): Pair<SearchResponse, Flow<SearchResponse.Hit>>

suspend fun SearchClient.searchAfter(target: String, keepAlive: Duration, query: SearchDSL, optInToCustomSort: Boolean = false, retries: Int = 3, retryDelay: Duration = 2.seconds): Pair<SearchResponse, Flow<SearchResponse.Hit>>

Perform a deep paging search using point in time and search after.

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suspend fun SearchClient.setIlmPolicy(policyId: String, block: IMLPhases.() -> Unit): AcknowledgedResponse
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expect fun simpleIndexProvider(initialIndex: Int = 0): IndexProvider
actual fun simpleIndexProvider(initialIndex: Int): IndexProvider
actual fun simpleIndexProvider(initialIndex: Int): IndexProvider
actual fun simpleIndexProvider(initialIndex: Int): IndexProvider
actual fun simpleIndexProvider(initialIndex: Int): IndexProvider
actual fun simpleIndexProvider(initialIndex: Int): IndexProvider
actual fun simpleIndexProvider(initialIndex: Int): IndexProvider
actual fun simpleIndexProvider(initialIndex: Int): IndexProvider
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fun Aggregations?.sumAggregationResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): TopHitsAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.sumAggregationResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): SumAggregationResult
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suspend fun SearchClient.takeSnapshot(repositoryName: String, snapshotName: String = formatTimestamp(), waitForCompletion: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = 1.minutes): JsonObject
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fun Aggregations?.termsResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): TermsAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.termsResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): TermsAggregationResult
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expect fun threadId(): String?

On JVM this will return the current thread name, on kotlin-js this will return null

actual fun threadId(): String?

On JVM this will return the current thread name, otherwise this will return null and pick a random node

actual fun threadId(): String?
actual fun threadId(): String?
actual fun threadId(): String?

On JVM this will return the current thread name, otherwise this will return null and pick a random node

actual fun threadId(): String?

On JVM this will return the current thread name, otherwise this will return null and pick a random node

actual fun threadId(): String?

On JVM this will return the current thread name, otherwise this will return null and pick a random node

actual fun threadId(): String?

On JVM this will return the current thread name, on kotlin-js this will return null

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fun Aggregations?.topHitResult(name: Enum<*>, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): TopHitsAggregationResult
fun Aggregations?.topHitResult(name: String, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON): TopHitsAggregationResult
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inline suspend fun <T> BulkSession.update(doc: T, id: String, index: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, docAsUpsert: Boolean? = null)
inline suspend fun <T> BulkSession.update(script: Script, id: String, upsert: T, index: String? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null)
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suspend fun SearchClient.updateComponentTemplate(templateId: String, block: IndexSettingsAndMappingsDSL.() -> Unit): JsonObject
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suspend fun SearchClient.updateDocument(target: String, id: String, script: Script, upsertJson: String? = null, ifSeqNo: Int? = null, ifPrimaryTerm: Int? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, retryOnConflict: Int? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, source: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): DocumentUpdateResponse
suspend fun SearchClient.updateDocument(target: String, id: String, docJson: String, detectNoop: Boolean? = null, ifSeqNo: Int? = null, ifPrimaryTerm: Int? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, retryOnConflict: Int? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, source: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): DocumentUpdateResponse
inline suspend fun <T> SearchClient.updateDocument(target: String, id: String, doc: T, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON, detectNoop: Boolean? = null, ifSeqNo: Int? = null, ifPrimaryTerm: Int? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, retryOnConflict: Int? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, source: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): DocumentUpdateResponse
inline suspend fun <T> SearchClient.updateDocument(target: String, id: String, script: Script, upsertJson: T, json: Json = DEFAULT_JSON, ifSeqNo: Int? = null, ifPrimaryTerm: Int? = null, requireAlias: Boolean? = null, retryOnConflict: Int? = null, refresh: Refresh? = null, routing: String? = null, source: String? = null, sourceIncludes: String? = null, sourceExcludes: String? = null, timeout: Duration? = null, waitForActiveShards: String? = null, extraParameters: Map<String, String>? = null): DocumentUpdateResponse
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suspend fun SearchClient.verifySnapshotRepository(repositoryName: String): JsonObject