Package-level declarations
Use this co routine scope to control affinity to a particular host. Ktor client may attempt to pipeline/reuse connections depending on how you set that up.
Use this to deal with item responses and failures; or bulk request errors. By default, the callback is null.
Ktor-client implementation of the RestClient.
Minimalistic abstraction that should allow for different clients.
Search client that you can use to talk to Elasticsearch or Opensearch.
If you are running against a cluster without a node balancer you can use this node selector to make the client sniff nodes from the cluster.
Search engine variant meta data.
Send a single bulk request. Consider using the variant that creates a BulkSession.
Creates a bulk session that allows you to index, create, or delete items via the convenient kotlin DSL.
Variant of the _count api that allows you to pass in an ESQuery object. It will be set as the query on the json body that is sent to _count.
Variant of the _count api that takes a search dsl block so you can set the query. Note, not all parts of the search dsl are supported by _count. E.g. adding sorting would be an error.
Variant of the _count api that takes an optional rawBody. Leaving the body empty means doing a match_all search.
Create a point in time for use with e.g. search_after.
Delete a scroll by id.
If include_named_queries_score parameter is not true
only ES returns only query names for each Hit. If include_named_queries_score is true
please use the scoreByName
Version of parseHits that reuses the ModelSerializationStrategy
Quick way to get the document hits from a SearchResponse. You can override the default json if you need to.
Non reified version of parseHits that takes a deserializationStrategy.
Http GET to /
The request parameter named include_named_queries_score controls whether scores associated with the matched queries are returned or not. When set, the response includes a matched_queries map that contains the name of the query that matched as a key and its associated score as the value.
Scroll through search results for a scrolling search.
Perform a deep paging search using point in time and search after.
On JVM this will return the current thread name, on kotlin-js this will return null
On JVM this will return the current thread name, otherwise this will return null and pick a random node
On JVM this will return the current thread name, otherwise this will return null and pick a random node
On JVM this will return the current thread name, otherwise this will return null and pick a random node
On JVM this will return the current thread name, otherwise this will return null and pick a random node