
class KtorRestClient(nodes: Node = arrayOf( Node( "localhost", 9200 ) ), https: Boolean = false, user: String? = null, password: String? = null, logging: Boolean = false, nodeSelector: NodeSelector = RoundRobinNodeSelector(nodes), elasticApiKey: String? = null, client: HttpClient = defaultKtorHttpClient( logging = logging, user = user, password = password, elasticApiKey = elasticApiKey ) { defaultInit(logging, user, password, elasticApiKey) }) : RestClient, Closeable

Ktor-client implementation of the RestClient.


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constructor(host: String = "localhost", port: Int = 9200, https: Boolean = false, user: String? = null, password: String? = null, logging: Boolean = false, elasticApiKey: String? = null, client: HttpClient = defaultKtorHttpClient( logging = logging, user = user, password = password, elasticApiKey = elasticApiKey ) { defaultInit(logging, user, password, elasticApiKey) })
constructor(vararg nodes: Node = arrayOf( Node( "localhost", 9200 ) ), https: Boolean = false, user: String? = null, password: String? = null, logging: Boolean = false, nodeSelector: NodeSelector = RoundRobinNodeSelector(nodes), elasticApiKey: String? = null, client: HttpClient = defaultKtorHttpClient( logging = logging, user = user, password = password, elasticApiKey = elasticApiKey ) { defaultInit(logging, user, password, elasticApiKey) })


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open override fun close()
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open suspend override fun doRequest(pathComponents: List<String>, httpMethod: HttpMethod, parameters: Map<String, Any>?, payload: String?, contentType: ContentType, headers: Map<String, Any>?): RestResponse
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suspend fun RestClient.head(block: SearchAPIRequest.() -> Unit): RestResponse
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open suspend override fun nextNode(): Node
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