Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch with easily extendable Kotlin DSLs for queries, mappings, bulk, and more.
KT Search Manual | Previous: Deleting by query | Next: Index Repository |
Github | © Jilles van Gurp |
Mostly, you will use bulk indexing to manipulate documents in Elasticsearch. However, sometimes it is useful to be able to manipulate individual documents with the Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) APIs.
// create
val resp = client.indexDocument(
target = "myindex",
document = TestDoc("1", "A Document"),
// optional id, you can let elasticsearch assign one
id = "1",
// this is the default
// fails if the id already exists
opType = OperationType.Create
// read
val doc = client.getDocument("myindex",
// to get the TestDoc, use this extension function
// this works on the _source field in the response
// update
target = "myindex",
document = TestDoc("1", "A Document"),
id = "1",
// will overwrite if the id already existed
opType = OperationType.Index
// delete
This prints:
Elasticsearch also has a dedicated update API that you can use with either a partial document or a script.
target = "myindex",
document = TestDoc("42", "x"),
id = "42"
var resp = client.updateDocument(
target = "myindex",
id = "42",
docJson = """{"name":"changed"}""",
source = "true"
resp = client.updateDocument(
target = "myindex",
id = "42",
script = Script.create {
source = """ = params.p1 """
params = mapOf(
"p1" to "again"
source = "true"
This prints:
The index API has a lot more parameters that are supported here as well via nullable parameters. You can also use a variant of the index API that accepts a json String instead of the TestDoc.
Note, for inserting large amounts of documents you should of course use the bulk API. You can learn more about that here: Efficiently Ingest Content Using Bulk Indexing.
To retrieve multiple documents, you can use the mget
target = "myindex",
document = TestDoc("1", "One"),
id = "1"
target = "myindex",
document = TestDoc("2", "Two"),
id = "2"
// the simple way is to provide a list of ids
client.mGet(index = "myindex") {
ids= listOf("1","2")
}.let { resp->
println("Found ${} documents")
// or do it like this
val resp = client.mGet {
doc {
id = "1"
// default is true
doc {
id = "2"
// you can of course get the deserialized TestDocs
// from the response with an extension function
resp.documents<TestDoc>().forEach {
println("${}: ${}")
This prints:
Found 2 documents
1: One
2: Two
KT Search Manual | Previous: Deleting by query | Next: Index Repository |
Github | © Jilles van Gurp |