
Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch with easily extendable Kotlin DSLs for queries, mappings, bulk, and more.

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Efficiently Ingest Content Using Bulk Indexing

KT Search Manual Previous: Index Repository Next: Creating Data Streams
Github © Jilles van Gurp  

An important part of working with Elasticsearch is adding content. While the CRUD support is useful for manipulating individual objects in an index, it is not suitable for sending large amounts of data.

For that, bulk indexing should be used. The bulk API in Elasticsearch is one of the more complex APIs in ES. Kt-search provides a few key abstractions to make bulk indexing easy, robust, and straightforward.

Bulk Sessions

data class Foo(val foo: String)

client.createIndex("test") {
  mappings {
// create a bulk session
client.bulk {
  // inside the block we can call index, create, or delete
  (0..10).forEach { index ->
      // pass the json source (has to be on a single line)
      source = DEFAULT_JSON.encodeToString(
        Foo("document $index")
      index = "test"
    // same as index but will fail if a document with the id already exists
      // you can also just pass a Serializable object directly
      doc = Foo("another doc: $index"),
      index = "test",
      // specify a custom id
      id = "doc-$index",
    // delete a document
    delete(id = "666", index = "test")

You can of course customize the bulk session:

// bulk several parameters that you can set
  // will send a bulk request every 5 bulk operations
  // default is 100
  bulkSize = 5,
  // default index to index to
  target = "test",
  // default is wait_for
  refresh = Refresh.False
) {
  // these will all go into the test index
  (0..10).forEach { index ->
    index(Foo("document $index"))

Using the Repository to bulk index

Of course the IndexRepository supports bulk sessions as well.

val repo = client.repository("test", Foo.serializer())

repo.bulk {
  create(Foo("will go into the test index"))

Bulk Updates

val repo = client.repository("test", Foo.serializer())

repo.bulk {
    doc = Foo("foo"),
    id = "foo-1"
    id = "foo-1",
    doc = """{"foo":"bar"}""",
    docAsUpsert = true,
val(doc,resp) = repo.get("foo-1")
// will print bar

repo.bulk {
    id = "foo-1",
    script = Script.create {
      source="ctx._source.foo = params.p1"
      params= mapOf(
        "p1" to "foobar"
repo.get("foo-1").let { (doc,_)->
  // prints foobar
            bar foobar

Error handling with callbacks

One of the trickier things with the bulk API is error handling.

To make this easy, you can use a BulkItemCallBack with your bulk session.

val itemCallBack = object : BulkItemCallBack {
  override fun itemFailed(
    operationType: OperationType,
    item: BulkResponse.ItemDetails
  ) {
      ${operationType.name} failed
      ${item.id} with ${item.status}

  override fun itemOk(
    operationType: OperationType,
    item: BulkResponse.ItemDetails
  ) {
      operation $operationType completed! 
      id: ${item.id}
      sq_no: ${item.seqNo} 
      primary_term ${item.primaryTerm}

  override fun bulkRequestFailed(
    e: Exception,
    ops: List<Pair<String, String?>>) {
      Request failure ${e.message}.
      Unless you set 
client.bulk(callBack = itemCallBack) {
  // invalid json would cause an error

This prints:

  Request failure RequestIsWrong 400: _bulk

Validation Failed: 1: index is missing;"}],"type":"action_request_validation_exc
eption","reason":"Validation Failed: 1: index is missing;"},"status":400}.
  Unless you set 

For successful items, you might want to know what id was assigned or use the seq_no and primary_term for optimistic locking.

Bulk failures you might want to log or retry.

data class Thing(val name: String, val amount: Long = 42)

KT Search Manual Previous: Index Repository Next: Creating Data Streams
Github © Jilles van Gurp