Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch with easily extendable Kotlin DSLs for queries, mappings, bulk, and more.
KT Search Manual | Previous: Creating Data Streams | Next: Extending the Json DSLs |
Github | © Jilles van Gurp |
An exciting new feature in Elasticsearch is KNN search, aka. vector search or semantic search.
And kt-search has you covered and makes this as easy as possible.
Conceptually, vector search is very simple:
The devil is of course in the details. You can use off-the shelf AI models from e.g. OpenAI. But these models have their limitations. And training your own models is also possible but can be a lot of work.
The following example implements a simple knn search using some pre-calculated embeddings. The embeddings were generated with openai using their text-similarity-ada-001 model.
This is of course not the most advanced model available. However, we are constrained here by the maximum vector length that elasticsearch allows here of 1024. Some of the more advanced models in openai have a dimensionality (vector length) of multiple tens of thousands. These presumably capture more semantic information.
data class Embeddings(val id: String, val embedding: List<Double>)
// load the pre-calculated embeddings from a tsv file
val embeddings = Thread.currentThread()
?.let { stream ->
csvReader {
delimiter = '\t'
}?.map {
it["embedding"]?.let { value ->
}?.associateBy { } ?: error("embeddings not found")
// these are the inputs that we generated embeddings for
val inputs = mapOf(
"input-1" to "banana muffin with chocolate chips",
"input-2" to "apple crumble",
"input-3" to "apple pie",
"input-4" to "chocolate chip cookie",
"input-5" to "the cookie monster",
"input-6" to "pattiserie",
"input-7" to "chicken teriyaki with rice",
"input-8" to "tikka massala",
"input-9" to "chicken",
// and we also generated embeddings for a few queries
val queries = mapOf(
"q-1" to "rice",
// pastry and pie, in Dutch
"q-2" to "gebak en taart",
"q-3" to "muppets",
"q-4" to "artisanal baker",
"q-5" to "indian curry",
"q-6" to "japanese food",
"q-7" to "baked goods",
// we'll use this simple data class as the model
data class KnnTestDoc(
val id: String,
val text: String,
val vector: List<Double>)
val indexName = "knn-test"
client.createIndex(indexName) {
mappings {
// text-similarity-ada-001 has a dimension of 1024
// which is also the maximum for dense vector
property = KnnTestDoc::vector,
dimensions = 1024,
index = true,
similarity = KnnSimilarity.Cosine
client.bulk(target = indexName) { { (id, text) ->
val embedding =
?: error("no embedding")
KnnTestDoc(id, text, embedding)
}.forEach { doc ->
queries.forEach { (queryId, text) -> {
knn = KnnQuery(
field = KnnTestDoc::vector,
queryVector = embeddings[queryId]!!.embedding,
k = 3,
numCandidates = 3
}.let { searchResponse ->
println("query for vector of $text:")
searchResponse.searchHits.forEach { hit ->
println("${} - ${hit.score}: ${hit.parseHit<KnnTestDoc>().text}")
This prints:
query for vector of rice:
R8D7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.93660545: chicken
RcD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9159527: chicken teriyaki with rice
QcD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.91181946: apple pie
query for vector of gebak en taart:
QcD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.8899498: apple pie
RsD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.8890915: tikka massala
RMD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.88838005: pattiserie
query for vector of muppets:
QcD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9113884: apple pie
R8D7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.90841866: chicken
Q8D7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.90057564: the cookie monster
query for vector of artisanal baker:
QsD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9066143: chocolate chip cookie
Q8D7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.89697075: the cookie monster
P8D7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.8922405: banana muffin with chocolate chips
query for vector of indian curry:
R8D7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9322586: chicken
RcD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9312973: chicken teriyaki with rice
RsD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9182453: tikka massala
query for vector of japanese food:
RcD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.92860985: chicken teriyaki with rice
R8D7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9264393: chicken
QcD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9177284: apple pie
query for vector of baked goods:
QcD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.9216957: apple pie
QsD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.91723824: chocolate chip cookie
QMD7SpQBpa78zLBEb4Lp - 0.91052055: apple crumble
This shows both the power and weakness of knn search:
So, use this at your own peril. Clearly, a lot depends on the AI model you use to calculate the embeddings.
If you wish to play with generating your own embeddings, I’ve published the source code for that here
KT Search Manual | Previous: Creating Data Streams | Next: Extending the Json DSLs |
Github | © Jilles van Gurp |